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Easy To Use! The Basic of Balloon Material

Balloons is an important element of character’s emotions and scenes.  
By using materials, the times that used for hand-draw flash balloon
and announcement type of balloon will greatly reduce.
This page tell you the basic of proper way
to use balloon materials of MANGA MATERIALS.





Balloon – Basic


Types of Balloon Materials



The balloon materials of MANGA MATERIALS are sold in
a summarized state of Clip Studio Paint page as below.




Drag and drop the layer into the “Material” palette
to register desired balloon as a material.




There are 3 types of balloon materials: balloon layer, image material layer, and flash.

A layer with balloon icon is a Balloon Layer. 



The icon in the green frame is a mark for Flash.



The icon in blue frame is marked for Image Material Layer




The Balloon Layer will automatically combine in one layer
when typing text on the balloon.



Line’ width and color can be change freely by using the operation tool.




Also can freely change the shape of the balloon or make tails.





Similarly, the Flash doesn’t combine with text layer,
but it can change the line width and density freely.




However, the processing of flash’s white background is very rough.
If put on a tone or beta(solid color), the difference can be clearly seen.
Flash Balloon Function (Left)         Processing with handmade (Right)





On the other hand, the Image Material Layer doesn’t combine text and balloon.
There is also no function to operate or change the width and density freely. 



At first glance, the Balloon Layer is overwhelmingly useful.
But there are many limitations to the Balloon Layer and Flash,
so they cannot make much various expression.
Also, the complicated balloon have the disadvantage that the operation becomes heavy.

On the other hand, Image Material Layer can create delicate expressions
with light and smooth operation
that Balloon Layer and Flash cannot perform.


In MANGA MATERIALS, we mainly produce Image Material Layer.

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Combination of Balloons and Important Points


For Balloon Layer, when two layers combine together,
the border of the balloon disappears automatically and it connects to one.




To make same effect as above in the Image Material Layer
use a balloon that is described as “Combined with White Background (cwb)“.




When overlapping the balloons of ” Combined with White Background”
by using the operation tool or moving tool,
the complex flash is automatically connected as shown below.





However,it is important to be careful when
dealing with balloon of Combined with White Background (cwb).

Be sure to put these balloons in a normal mode folder.




It cannot be seen if using them without putting it in a folder.
If the balloons disappear, just put them in a normal mode folder and they will be fine


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Operation’s Method of Balloon



Balloons can be freely moved and deformed using the operation tool.
When it cannot be found on the tool palette,
it may be displayed with an icon inside the blue frame or as other icon.




All sides of buttons (red circle) can be dragged and dropped to scale up or down.
For rotation, just drag and drop the button in blue circle.
To keep the shape of circle, tick the “keeping ratio of original image“.




You can make free shapes by scaling and rotation.



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Conversion of Opacity and Raster Layer


To make the white background transparent,
click in “Edit → Convert brightness to opacity” 
when converting Balloon Layer or Image Material Layer to raster layer.




To do a raster conversion, please following the steps below or
right-click on the corresponding layer and convert the layer.

※Please note that after raster conversion, the image becomes rough if over enlarged.






If want to convert multiple layers easily,
hold Ctrl or Shift key and select multiple layers,
then right-click → Combined Selected Layers




As for the Image material layer to change the expression color,
please follow the steps below. 


This is the basics of Clip Studio Paint Balloon material.


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