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Perfect Material For Cold Region! Draw Northern Countries Landscape with Japanese Cedar Brush


Cedar is a classic tree for Japanese forests and northern countries landscape.

There are already a lot of cedar tree materials,
but some arrangement are necessary to draw a landscape with perspective effect.


“I don’t know how to draw a complex Cedar mountain…”


For people who feel the same, this page will show you how to draw a landscape of Cedar mountain
with perspective effect by using Japanese Cedar Brush.


Learn basics of brush materials here





Easy arrangement for perspective effect
Japanese Cedar Brush


First, roughly draw a sketch.
It is best to refer to pictures when you are not familiar with it.




Stamp a cedar on the front side with maximum stamp size.
Then expand the stamp with free transform.




Draw rocks in the back.
※Here using Black Large Rock_Horizontal brush for the sideways.




Make a gradient under the rock for water surface of river.




Make another gradient and draw the shadow of the water surface.
※Using Free – Sea/River Surface Brush




Create a layer for highlight and draw light on the water surface with white color.
※Using Free – Sea/River Surface Brush




Then make a new layer below, stamp some cedar in the back with Japanese Cedar Brush.




After add more cedar by stamping motion, add rocks under some tree.





Now create a new layer below and further draw cedar mountain at the back.
※Using Snow Japanese Cedar Brush





Then add grass under trees (Back Ceder).





Add white border to each cedar tree on the front and the back,
then paste a white tone on the cedar mountain at the back.

Arrange each layer separately to emphasize the perspective.




Add a gradient tone to the grass.




Draw some snow in white on the gradient tone.
When snow is draw on the cedar, the atmosphere will come out.
※ Using Snow Brush





Since the contrast of cedar at the front and back is same,
then blur back ceder with white hatching lines to pop out the perspective effect.
※Here using Sketching Style Hatching Brushes





Furthermore, put a tone on the cedar at the front side with big dots.
It will give a blurring effect like camera out of focus. 




Now the Cedar mountain landscape of northern countries is completed.
By using materials, you can easily draw a complex landscape.


The key when drawing this kind of drawing with perspective effect
is to process each perspective/depth separately.


“I never thought of that!”

The impression of the drawing changes very much with a little bit of consideration. 

Now you know the point, and it’s time for you to try the Japanese Cedar Brush which perfect for the Cedar mountain landscape of northern countries.
Please give it a try!



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